CS 157 Spring 2002               Assignment 6 – Validation, Nested While loops (plus previous material!)               100 points

Assigned: 02/21/2002

Due: 03/14/2002 at the start of class  (that seems like a long way off, but spring break is in there, and no lab on 2/28)


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out sequence of statements needed for program. This is another step up in complexity. Plan ahead!!


Main Assignment:

The International Olympic Committee needs a program to calculate ice skaters’ scores during competitions. The program (illustrated with an example below) first asks for the number of judges, then for first artistry, then for technical merit, gets scores from each of the judges -  the program should ask for and ensure that it gets a valid score (between 0.1 and 6.0).. YOUR PROGRAM MUST USE A LOOP FOR THIS VALIDATION (so that it does not go on until the most dim-witted judge enters a valid score)  – WITHIN (nested inside) A LOOP TO GO THROUGH THE JUDGES. The skater’s artistry and technical scores are calculated by subtracting the highest score and the lowest score on the appropriate area from the total of all judges scores. The final total score is the sum of artistry and technical totals. See example below.

Sample Interaction with the user (minus user answers which are typed elsewhere):

Processing Skater

How many Judges?


Artistry Score from Judge 1 :

   Invalid Score - please enter a value between 0.1 and 6.0:

   Invalid Score - please enter a value between 0.1 and 6.0:

Artistry Score from Judge 2 :

Artistry Score from Judge 3 :

   Invalid Score - please enter a value between 0.1 and 6.0:

Artistry Score from Judge 4 :

Artistry Score from Judge 5 :

Artistry Score from Judge 6 :

Artistry Score from Judge 7 :


Subtracting high: 6.0 and low: 0.1 from total: 31.499999999999996

Artistry Score for Skater is: 25.4


Technical Score from Judge 1 :

Technical Score from Judge 2 :

Technical Score from Judge 3 :

Technical Score from Judge 4 :

Technical Score from Judge 5 :

Technical Score from Judge 6 :

Technical Score from Judge 7 :


Subtracting high: 5.7 and low: 5.1 from total: 37.800000000000004

Technical Score for Skater is: 27.000000000000004


Total Score: 52.400000000000006

Hand in:


·        Please try to make the output of your program like mine, to aid my grading. (but note that we haven’t done anything yet with specifying how many decimal places to display)

·        You will need the SavitchIn.java file (still obtainable from my WWW page  - or from previous weeks).

·        You can use dialog boxes if you prefer, but make sure it doesn’t get in your way.

·        MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM WORKS! (i.e. more than just removing compile errors). You can test your program on the above example, but make sure you test it on other data as well - I will! Your program needs to be able to handle any valid inputs, and catch invalid values of the correct type (The SavitchIn functions catch invalid values that are the wrong type (e.g. letters where numbers are needed). 

·        If you have any questions about the scoring scheme, please ask!!! Your calculations need to meet the requirements of the task.

·        Put YOUR NAME, and e-mail address in comments at the beginning of the program.

·        Remember: Indentation, meaningful variable names, and meaningful comments. Weaknesses in any of these could result in points off. You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.