CSC 162 Assignments

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Fall 2001

Assignment 1 - review of C.

Assignment 2 - C++ I/O plus default parameters.

Assignment 3 - Classes.

Assignment 4 - Object Oriented Programming using C++ - using an existing class.

Assignment 5 - Strings - plus using an existing class.

Assignment 6 - Vectors and Generic Functions - plus using an existing class.

Assignment 7 - Vectors and Writing Generic Functions - plus using an existing class.

Assignment 8 - Using Lists .

Assignment 9 - List internals .

Assignment 10 - Queues.

Assignment 11 - Trees.
The template class to enhance has been started and is here.














The format of these is kinda bad - the conversion from Word to HTML didn't go all that well. Spring 2000

Assignment 1 - review of C with C++ I/O .

Assignment 2 - Updating an existing OO project.

Assignment 3 - Using a (prewritten) class to build a program.
(code - the header file account.h)
(code - the implementation file account.cpp)
(code - a very simple main file which is a client of the account class - file called account-client.cpp)

Assignment 4 - Writing a class - and using basic string capabilites.

spring2k/Assignment 5 - Using basic vector capabilites.

spring2k/Assignment 6 - Using iterators, generic functions and vectors.
(code - the header file card.h)
(code - the implementation file card.cpp)
(code - the header file deck.h)
(code - the implementation file deck.cpp)

spring2k/Assignment 7 - Using lists.
(code - the header file song.h)
(code - the implementation file song.cpp)

spring2k/Assignment 8 - list internals.
Uses code: (code - the header file AccountListList.h)
(code - the implementation file AccountListList.cpp)
(code - the header file AccountListLink.h)
(code - the implementation file AccountListLink.cpp)
(code - the header file account-new.h)
(code - the implementation file account-new.cpp)

Assignment 9 - Using Stacks (and comparing to queues).
Uses code (modified from Budd's): (code - the all of the code including Teller and Customer classes plus main - bank.cpp)

Assignment 10 - Using Binary Trees
Uses code (modified from Budd's): (code - the template class for tree nodes )
(code - the updated card class )

Assignment 11 - Trying out Trees and AVL Trees