CS 230 Fall 2009

Assignment 1 –Simple GUI  

100 points


Assigned: 09/04/2009

Due: 09/14/2009 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring materials – a way to save a copy for you and a copy to turn in. Plan out tasks, objects, and events needed for program.


Main Assignment:

Imagine that you are writing a very basic program for a beginner learning Spanish (we’re just starting out!).  Imagine that they will have buttons for “Red”, “Blue”, and “Green”, plus an “Exit” and a “Clear” button. The color buttons should cause the corresponding Spanish word to be displayed on the screen, with the corresponding color as the background color for the word. The clear button should leave no word showing and a white background. The Exit button should exit the application. 


Background Knowledge:


Task Details:




Hand in: