CS 230 Fall 2006

Assignment 6 –More Looping

100 points


Assigned: 10/11/2006

Due: 10/18/2006 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out tasks, objects, and events needed for program. Plan out major pseudocode


Main Assignment:

We’re going to implement a simplified “craps” game. We will only use one kind of bet that can be made in craps – see below. Show how each game goes (details) in a rich text box. Keep a running tally of wins and losses in text boxes (read-only of course) or labels.


Provide capabilities for Playing a game, resetting - clearing the results to start again, and to exit.


Hand in:



·         The form of craps we are playing goes by the following rules:


·         7 or 11 wins

·         2,3, or 12 loses

·         Anything else – becomes “point” – new target

After that

·         7 – loses

·         Point – wins

·         Anything else – keep rolling

Any questions, please ask!!! Even if you’ve played different variations, the above is what we’re playing here.

(The ControlChars.NewLine moves the next info after to a new line). To clear the contents of a list box, use richtextboxname.Clear()