CS 230 Spring 2005                                                          Assignment 11 – Arrays – Parallel and 2D                                  100 points

Assigned: 04/11/2005

Due: 04/22/2005 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out tasks, objects, and events needed for program. Plan out major pseudocode


Main Assignment:

You have been recently hired by a professor to write part of a grading program. You need to read in from a file (data.txt) students names and scores on 3 tests (comma delimited, e.g. Jim Thome, 90, 80, 79.5). The student names should be put in an array. The test scores should be put in a 2 dimensional array. These scores will be adjusted with curves. For each test,

·         calculate the mean for the scores (display in a textbox too),

·         determine the curve (in this way simplified version of the program, the curve will be enough points added to raise the mean to 80 – but make sure you NEVER subtract points!) . (display in a textbox too)

·         Once the curve has been determined, add it to all student scores for that test, and

After adjusting student test scores, calculate each student’s average (mean) test score. Finally, display in a RichTextBox (add to it using richtextboxname.AppendTest(astring)) each students name, adjusted test scores, and average adjusted score). Do the major work on the loading of the form. There is little interface capability needed – just provide an exit capability.


Hand in:




·         You must turn on Option Explicit and Option Strict.

·         Put YOUR NAME, e-mail address, date and purpose in comments at the beginning of the program.

·         You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.

·         Remember to use meaningful variable names, and indent to show the structure of the program (VB usually does this correctly).

·         Put your name on the form as a Label or as part of the form title.

·         Try to use good user interface design. Make clear what user needs to do and what the answers mean.