CS 230 Spring 2005                                       Assignment 12 – Structures (and files and arrays, oh my)                              100 points

Assigned: 04/18/2005

Due: 04/29/2005 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out tasks, objects, and events needed for program. Plan out major pseudocode


Main Assignment:

Bank of Paulsdale has asked you to work on their pseudo-ATM project. You need to read in from a file (accounts.txt) account numbers, names, pins, and balances (comma delimited, e.g. 12345, Jesse James, 2q3w, 50.34). The data should be put into an array of Accounts (where Account is a structure). When the user types in a account number and pin, they should be checked to see if it is a valid account/pin combination (no just selecting off a list). If there is a problem, a message should be displayed. If everything is ok, their information  (name and account number) should be displayed in read-only text boxes or in labels, and they should be allowed to choose to withdraw money or check their balance or quit and let another user sign in (via buttons probably). Do NOT allow somebody to carry out transactions if they have not successfully signed in. For withdrawals, the user must be able to enter an amount. Validate it! – it must be numeric, positive, and no more than the amount of money in the account.

Provide the sign-in capability, withdraw and account inquiry, and quit for successfully signed-in users, and for administrators a summary results capability (show info about all accounts) and an exit capability.



Hand in:




·        In order to test your program, you will need to peek at the accounts to see a valid account number/ pin combination.

·        You must turn on Option Explicit and Option Strict.

·        Put YOUR NAME, e-mail address, date and purpose in comments at the beginning of the program.

·        You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.

·        Remember to use meaningful variable names, and indent to show the structure of the program (VB usually does this correctly).

·        Put your name on the form as a Label or as part of the form title.

·        Try to use good user interface design. Make clear what user needs to do and what the answers mean.