CS 230 Spring 2005                                                      Assignment 5 –Looping                                               100 points


Assigned: 02/21/2005

Due: 02/28/2005 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring a new disk. Plan out tasks, objects, and events needed for program. Plan out major pseudocode


Main Assignment:

Back when IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts) were invented, banks advertised them with the slogan “Retire Rich.” Let’s do some basic prediction of how much our money will grow while we are investing in an IRA account (ignoring tax consequences for simplicity).  Write a program that, given an amount of money the investor will deposit each month, an expected rate of return on investment (annual percent), and the number of months until retirement, calculates the amount of money the investor will have at retirement.  Get from the user the amount of the monthly deposit, the expected annual return on investment, and the number of months. Display monthly balance for each month in a list box (see below). Display the balance at retirement in a label or text box (locked of course).


Provide capabilities to calculate, clear the input and output to start again, and to exit.


Hand in:

