CSC 230 - Review

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I expect to put examples here, and possibly some sample questions before tests.

Example with one variable and one textbox - BtnGive_click for the action.

Example with nested validation of input textbox - BtnCalc_click for the action.

Example with ifs (small game) - BtnGF_click for the action.

is the first midterm from last semester.

Example with nested ifs and elseifs (grades) - BtnGrade_click and BtnGradeElseIf_click for the action.

Example with nested ifs and elseifs and select case's (grades) - BtnGrade_click and BtnGradeElseIf_click and BtnCase_click and BtnIS_click or the action.

Example with select case's (turning grades into grade points) - BtnPts_click for the action.

Example with bigger select case (my little game (it is copyrighted, don't sell it! :-) )) - BtnGo_click for the action.

Example with for loop using variables and step - BtnMult_click for the action.

Example with do while, do until, loop while and loop until loops all for guessing game - start looking at BtnDoUntil_click for the action. Now with Bug Fix included !!!

Example with do while in which do while is a good fit for the task. - start looking at BtnCalc_click for the action.

Example with loops - start looking at Button1_click for the action.

Example with Counter and Accumulator. - start looking at BtnGo_click for the action.

Example with "event-driven loops" - start looking at BtnPlay_click for the action.

Example with nesting of loops - start looking at BtnGo_click for the action.

Example with validation with "less" nesting via use of boolean - start looking at BtnCalc_click for the action.

Example with functions (speeding) - start looking below IDE generated code

Example with complicated use of functions (ETues) - start looking below IDE generated code

Craps Event - revised to use newly written (in class) calcTotal function

is the second midterm from last semester.

Example of files - reading and writing. Look down under Form1_Load for most of the action. .

Example of files - reading and writing. Look down under Form1_Load for most of the action.

Example of files - writing - using the lottery application. Look down way at the buttom under BtnWrite_Click for the writing.

Example of files - reading and writing with a simple application. Look down under Form1_Load for the reading and under the pay button for the writing.

Example of arrays - filling from a file, and displaying contents.

Example of arrays - filling from a file, and displaying contents. Show Rated 4 or Above, Average Rating.

Example of arrays - Same as above + finding rating for a particular song and finding highest rated song.

Example of arrays - Similar to above (rating songs removed) + finding how many songs are rated above average, and song playing simulation and count of how many times each song was played

Sorting an Array Look for code for Desc (descending)

Game with flexible number of cities Uses 2D arrays

CD selling example used with Structures in class (includes code done during class time)

sort example This is a trace of sorting through an array of records

sort code This is code for doing it .

Form1 code for example of classes (square) Also look at the square class

Form1 code for example of enhanced square class Also look at the square class

Code added to account class during class on Apr 27





Previous semesters

Example of Arrays (with files) Look down under Form1_Load for a lot of the action, the selected item changing and the pay button click are others of interest.

Another Example of Arrays (with files) Voting application - look for loading array in Form1_Load and under the vote and summary buttons

Checking an Array for some criteria - here how many items are above a certain threshold Look for code for button1 and BtnGo)

Using Parallel Arrays Look for code for BtnLook and BtnClassLookup

Form1 code for example of classes (square) Also look at the square class

Form1 code for example of classes (bank account) Also look at the account class .






