CS 230 Spring 2007          Assignment 8 & 9A surprise “twist” to the project related to files added to the requirements    


Revision Assigned: 03/28/2007

Due: 04/04/2007 at the start of class


Pre-Lab (Do Before Lab):  Bring materials – a way to save a copy for you and a copy to turn in.


Revision to Main Assignment:

You are adding three capabilities related to files to the previously described paparazzi invasion (for previous description see http://www.lasalle.edu/~redmond/teach/230/Assignment8.htm )

·         A “Save Game” capability – which writes the results rich text box contents to a file named “results.txt” and writes the current number of paparazzi to a file named “number.txt”.  If either of the files already exist, display a message instead of adding to or replacing the contents of the files!

·         A “Load Saved Game” capability – which reads in the “results.txt” file, replacing anything in the results rich text box with the contents of the file, and reads in the “number.txt” file, replacing anything in the starting/current number of paparazzi text box. If either of the files doesn’t exist, display a message instead of trying to change things (don’t do a partial change if one file exists and the other doesn’t)

·         A “Delete Saved Game” capability – which deletes any existing “number.txt” and “results.txt” files.  Even if we haven’t covered this in class, it is easy! (look into my.computer.filesystem capabilities)

Hand in:

Task Details:

Miscellaneous – From Before – Don’t Forget