Rem – see all rows and all columns

select * from students;


Rem – simple project

select studentid, last, first from students;


Rem – simple project – but not consistent with Relational Algebra – gives duplicate rows in results

select major from students;


Rem – simple project – avoid duplicate rows

select distinct major from students;


Rem – simple restrict – see all info about freshman students

select * from students where year = 'Fr';


Rem – slightly more complicated restrict  

select * from students where year = 'Fr' and gpa < 2.5;


Rem – project and restrict combined into one command

select studentid, last, first, gpa from students where year = 'Fr' and gpa < 2.5;





Rem – project – sorted

select studentid, last, first, major from students order by major;


Rem – project – sorted – descending ( Z – A for character data)

select studentid, last, first, major from students order by major desc;


Rem – project – sorted by major – with ties broken by last name

select studentid, last, first, major from students order by major desc, last;


Rem – intentional error – incorrect join – studentid is ambiguous

select studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments;


Rem – intentional error – incorrect join – gives Cartesian Product

select students.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments;


Rem – fixed - adding join condition - FK = PK

 select students.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments where students.studentid = enrollments.studentid;


Rem – demonstrate that the FK = PK

select students.studentid, enrollments.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments where students.studentid = enrollments.studentid;





Rem – joining more than two tables - need condition - FK = PK for each join (typically #tables – 1 join conditions)

select students.studentid, last, first, dept, course

from students, enrollments, sections

where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid and

enrollments.sectionid = sections.sectionid;











REM list for particular section

select students.studentid, last, first, dept, course

from students, enrollments, sections

where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid and

enrollments.sectionid = sections.sectionid

and sections.sectionid = ‘66419’;


REM can use not equal

Select time, room, stoppoint from sections

Where room <> ‘O 129’;


REM show that = and <> add up to all sections

Select time, room, stoppoint from sections

Where room = ‘O 129’;


REM In Oracle not equal can use C-like syntax along with traditional Pascal-like syntax above

Select time, room, stoppoint from sections

Where room != ‘O 129’;





REM can use between for ranges

Select * from students

Where gpa between 2.0 and 2.2;


REM can use between for ranges

Select * from students

Where gpa between 2.0 and 2.4;


REM traditional CSC ranges

Select * from students

Where gpa >= 2.0 and gpa <= 2.4;


REM error – what people new to CSC frequently think should work for ranges

Select * from students

Where 2.4 >= gpa >= 2.0;


REM Can use wildcards – but must use like instead of =

Select * from catalogcourses

Where title like ‘%Lang%’;


REM comes up empty – must use like instead of =

Select * from catalogcourses

Where title = ‘%Lang%’;



REM comes up empty – inside quotes case matters (it doesn’t matter anywhere else when using SQL)

Select * from catalogcourses

Where title like ‘%lang%’;


REM set operation – is it a member of the set? (any number of members, separated by commas)

Select * from enrollments where sectionid IN (66415, 66419);


REM can do calculations – but this is an error because some rows end up dividing by zero (no student work stations)

Select rooms.*, capacity / numbstudentworkstations as ratio

From rooms;


REM calculation – protected from dividing by zero (if no student work stations, won’t be in the result)

Select rooms.*, capacity / numbstudentworkstations as ratio

From rooms

Where numbstudentworkstations > 0;






REM Start of third class – aggregate functions provided

Select avg(gpa)

From students;


REM more aggregate functions provided

Select max(gpa)

From students;


REM more aggregate functions provided

Select min(gpa)

From students;


REM more aggregate functions provided – count counts rows, so doesn’t need attribute name

Select count(*)

From students;


REM but can count unique values if provide distinct and attribute name

Select count(distinct major)

From students;


REM without distinct  it just counts values – which is (almost the same as counting rows (nulls wouldn’t be counted))

Select count(major)

From students;


REM can restrict rows before aggregating

Select avg(gpa)

From students

Where major = ‘CSC’;


REM just testing – see what their gpas are

Select last, gpa

From students

Where major = ‘CSC’;


REM intentional error – trying to get sub-totals – no group

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students;


REM sub-totals – group

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by major;


REM can see more than one sub-total

Select major, avg(gpa), min(gpa), max(gpa)

From students

Group by major;


REM sub-totals – group by year major combination

Select year, major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by year, major;


REM sub-totals – sorted

Select year, major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by year, major

Order by major, year;


REM intentional error – group by must come before order by

Select year, major, avg(gpa)

From students

Order by major, year

Group by year, major;


REM where restricts rows before grouping – end up with fewer groups in this case

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Where year = ‘Sr’

Group by major;



REM intentional error – Where must come before group by

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by major

Where year = ‘Sr’;


REM just testing – I wanted to know how many students there were in each major – so I could choose an interesting cut-off for the next query

Select major, count(*)

From students

Group by major;


REM sub-totals – with GROUPS limited

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by major

Having count(*) > 3;


REM intentional error – where concerns individual rows – so can’t use group function with it

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

where count(*) > 3

Group by major;


REM having can use any test involving groups – here we’re just seeing ave gpas for majors with high ave gpas

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by major

Having avg(gpa) > 3.0;


REM intentional error – Having concerns groups – so MUST use test involving groups – NOT individual rows

Select major, avg(gpa)

From students

Group by major

Having gpa > 3.0;


REM test query for use inside another query

Select avg(gpa) from students;


REM nested queries – finds students with above average GPAs

Select * from students

Where gpa >

          (Select avg(gpa) from students)

Order by gpa desc;




REM test query for use inside another query

Select studentid from students where year = ‘Fr’;



REM nested queries – finds section ids for sections with freshmen enrolled

Select distinct sectionid from enrollments

Where studentid IN (

      Select studentid from students where year = ‘Fr’ )

Order by sectionid;