select * from students; select studentid, last, first from students; select major from students; select distinct major from students; select * from students where year = 'Fr'; select * from students where year = 'fr'; select studentid, last, first from students where year = 'Fr'; select studentid, last, first, gpa from students where year = 'Fr' and gpa < 2.5; select studentid, last, first, gpa from students where year = 'Fr' or gpa < 2.5; select studentid, last, first, gpa from students where year = 'Fr' or gpa < 2.5 order by gpa; select studentid, last, first, major, year from students order by major, year; select students.studentid, enrollments.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments; select students.studentid, enrollments.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid; select students.studentid, last, first, sectionid from students, enrollments where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid; select students.studentid, last, first, sections.sectionid, dept, course from students, enrollments, sections where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid and enrollments.sectionid = sections.sectionid; select students.studentid, last, first from students, enrollments where enrollments.studentid = students.studentid and sectionid = '66419' select * from sections; select * from sections where room = 'O 200'; select * from sections where room <> 'O 200'; select * from sections where room != 'O 200'; select * from students where 2.0 <= gpa and gpa <= 2.2; select * from students where gpa between 2.0 and 2.119; select * from students where gpa is null; select * from catalogcourses where title like '%Lang%'; select * from enrollments where sectionid IN (66419, 66415); select * from sections where professor EXISTS; select rooms.*, capacity / numbstudentworkstations as ratio from rooms where numbstudentworkstations > 0; select rooms.*, capacity / numbstudentworkstations from rooms where numbstudentworkstations > 0; select avg(gpa) from students; select max(gpa) from students; select min(gpa) from students; select count(*) from students; select count(distinct major) from students; select count(*) from students where gpa >= 3.0; select major, count(*) from students group by major; select major, year, count(*) from students group by year, major order by major, year; select avg(gpa), min(gpa), max(gpa), year from students group by year; select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections group by dept; select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections where sum(stoppoint) > 100 group by dept; select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections group by dept having sum(stoppoint) > 100; select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections where course >= 200 group by dept having sum(stoppoint) > 100; select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections where course >= 200 group by dept having sum(stoppoint) > 100 order by sum(stoppoint); select dept, sum(stoppoint) from sections where course >= 200 group by dept having count(*) > 2 order by sum(stoppoint); select max(gpa) from students; select studentid, last, first, gpa from students where gpa = ( select max(gpa) from students); select studentid from students where year = 'Fr'; select distinct professor, sections.sectionid from sections, enrollments where sections.sectionid = enrollments.sectionid and enrollments.studentid IN (select studentid from students where year = 'Fr') order by professor;