CSC 264                     Fall 2002                     Assignment 3 - Normalization


Due: Start of Class on 10/16/02



The Philadelphia Library has the below table (with associated functional dependencies). What level of normalization is the table in? (the best level it is in). Produce a new design that is in 3NF, and show all of the records in the resulting tables.


BorrowerID           Name                      BookCode             Title                                        DateBorrowed      DateDue

1                              Rizzo                       12                            War and Peace                     12/01/68                 12/15/68

1                              Rizzo                       19                            Animal Farm                          01/14/69                 01/28/69

7                              Goode                    12                            War and Peace                     03/21/80                 04/21/80

7                              Goode                    27                            Bombs over London            04/30/80                 05/30/80

10                            Rendell                   35                            40 Days to Financial …       11/01/89                 11/15/89

14                            Street                      35                            40 Days to Financial …       05/02/95                 05/16/95

14                            Street                      29                            Working Within the Syst   02/01/78                 03/01/78


Primary Key:    BorrowerID, BookCode, DateBorrowed


Functional Dependencies:

            BorrowerID à Name

            BookCode à Title

            BorrowerID,BookCode, DateBorrowed à DateDue









BORROWER                                       BOOK

BorrowerID      Name                           BookCode         Title

1                     Rizzo                            12                     War and Peace

7                                 Goode                           19                     Animal Farm

10                             Rendell                         27                     Bombs over London

14               Street                           29                     Working Within the System

                                                                                35                            40 Days to Financial …




BorrowerID        BookCode    DateBorrowed            DateDue

1                                             12                            12/01/68                                                 12/15/68

1                                              19                            01/14/69                                                 01/28/69

7                                              12                            03/21/80                                                 04/21/80

7                                              27                            04/30/80                                                 05/30/80

10                                            35                            11/01/89                                                 11/15/89

14                                            35                            05/02/95                                                 05/16/95

14                                            29                            02/01/78                                                 03/01/78