CSC 456         Spring 2008    Assignment 2 – Expert Systems with Certainty Factors with FuzzyCLIPS

Assigned: 02/20/08

Due: Start of Class on 02/27/08

NOTE: Any rules in this assignment (mine or from the original source) should not be considered real investment advice.


·         File1:

o    Change Rules:

§  I believe that a person who is retired does not need life insurance in order to for their insurance coverage to be adequate. Change rule(s) to reflect this.

§  In the rule to conclude that education needs are NOT funded, add to the LHS that there are child(ren) headed to college (not just that there are kids) so that a 30 year-old child doesn’t cause a need to save for college.

o    Add / Change Rules (CF 0.8 unless otherwise specified):

§  Somebody who is willing to sustain significant short term money losses in order to obtain long term gains (new piece of input), then their risk tolerance is high (CF .7)

§  Somebody who would otherwise be recommended for Growth and Income  but who has high risk tolerance would be recommended for Aggressive

§  Somebody who would otherwise be recommended for Growth and Income  but who has low risk tolerance would be recommended for ConservativeGrowth

·         Trace1: Run the expert system, (with fact duplication on, showing Compilations, Facts, and Rules) after loading your amended financial planning rules file and the original financialplanningstart1.clp, tracing execution.

o    Q1: What is the strongest recommendation of the system?

·         File2:  Different Problem:

o    Create a new start rule (in a separate file) with a different client:

§  Name: Ethyl

§  Has health insurance

§  Has life insurance

§  Has current savings balance of $20,000

§  Earns a monthly salary of $3,000

§  Is covered by a pension plan

§  Is married

§  Has one child, age 23

§  Is 68 years old

§  Owns a home

§  Enjoys gambling (CF 0.8)

§  Budget sometimes (CF 0.8)

§  Doesn’t worry about money at night (CF 0.9)

o    Trace2:  Run the expert system, tracing execution

o    Q2: What is the strongest recommendation of the system?

·         File3:  Different Problem:

o    Create a new start rule (in a separate file) with a different client such that the strongest recommendation is to use an Conservative Growth fund:

o    Trace3:  Run the expert system, tracing execution

·         Consider the changing social security situation, in which a substantial number of people may not retire at 65.

o    Q3: What changes might be necessary in the set of rules?

·         Change execution environment:

o    Set the threshold below which a conclusion is not to be believed to 0.6 using set-threshold in the execution window

o    Trace4: Run the expert system on the original problem (with your revised rules), tracing execution

o    Q4: Do you believe that the results are “better”? Why or why not?

Turn In:

·         Softcopy of your revised rules (preferably named yourlastnamefinancialplanning.clp)

·         Hard or softcopies of your four traces (dribbles)

·         Softcopy of your basic start-up client info for the two different problems (preferably named yourlastnamefinancialplanningstart2.clp & 3)

·         Answers to all questions above (either hard or soft copy).

Softcopies should be zipped together and submitted to Blackboard. Any hardcopies need to be turned in in person.