CSC 456    Spring 2008

Assignment 3 – Expert Systems with Fuzzy Logic with FuzzyCLIPS

Assigned: 03/26/08

Due: Start of Class on 04/02/08



·         Run the expert system, after loading the original londonweatherfuzzyfinal.clp weather rules file and the original londonweatherfuzzyfinalstart.clp, tracing execution. This serves as a baseline for future changes.

·         File 1:

o    Add Rules - preferably to a file named something along the lines of yourlastnameweatherfuzzyadded.clp

§  There may be a thunderstorm risk if the weather is hot – sunshine actually seems to help. Add a rule that if the temperature is hot and the clouds are mostly sunny, then predict heavy rain.

·         Trace1:  Run the expert system, after loading your amended weather rules file and the original londonweatherfuzzyfinalstart.clp, tracing execution.

·         Q1: Does it have a higher rain prediction now? Q1a: Explain why or why not with reference to Fuzzy Logic process. (i.e. deeper explanation than that the rule applies)

·         Sensitivity Analysis:

o    Experiment with reducing the amount of rainfall today, reducing it from the current fuzzy 1.5 inches. (No need to run dribbles)

o    The predicted amount of rainfall doesn’t appear to drop off very significantly.

o    Q2: Explain why that is the case.

·         File 2:  - preferably to a file named something along the lines of yourlastnameweatherfuzzypressure.clp

o    Add Template:

§  Weather prediction can also be based on barometric pressure (particularly change in pressure), in addition to the already used variables. Create a template for pressure, with subsets for rising, falling and steady, using the functions shown in the attached graphs.

o    Add Rules

§  If pressure is falling then predict moderate rain.

§  If pressure is rising then predict dry.

·         File 3: - (preferably a file named something along the lines of yourlastnameweatherfuzzystart2.clp)

o    Update Problem:

§  Create a copy of the start rule (in a separate file) with a hourly pressure change of a fuzzy 0.025

·         Trace2:  Run the expert system, tracing execution

·         Q3: Does it have a higher rain prediction now? Q3a: Explain why or why not with reference to Fuzzy Logic process. (i.e. deeper explanation than that the rule applies)

·         Q4: What problem(s) does this rule set have for predicting rainfall?


Turn In:

·         Softcopy of your revised first set of revised rules

·         Softcopy of your added barometric pressure file – with template and rules.

·         Hard or softcopies of your traces (dribbles)

·         Softcopy of your basic start-up client info for the revised problem (with pressure)

·         Answers to all questions above (either hard or soft copy).