Instructions for “Installing” and Using My Genetic Algorithm for Power Unit Maintenance Scheduling



  1. You need to obtain one of the zip files from my www page –
  2. For convenience, download the problem txt files to “My Documents”


Start Up:

For using the Entire Project, Starting up in the IDE:

1.      Open NetBeans

2.      Open SGA project

3.      Resolve references

4.      Ensure the SGAPowerUnitDriver is the main class, OR right click on that file and choose Run File


For Using Just the Executable:

1.      Find the SGA.jar file inside the dist folder

2.      Double Click on it


Running Program:

  1. Find file with data (e.g. PowerUnitMaintHard.txt) (The program always starts the dialog box at “My Documents” which is why it is convenient to put the files in there)
  2. Specify file that the program should put results in (Be careful: if you specify an existing file, previous contents will be overwritten)
  3. Specify the Population Size
  4. Specify the Number of Generations
  5. Specify the Mutation Percent