[10:24:38] Alicia: Hello, my name is Alicia and I am the human.
[10:27:49] Judge 2: and what do you do in life as we know it?
[10:27:58] Alicia: I like to meet new people online.
[10:28:26] Judge 2: that sounds a bit scary
[10:28:33] Alicia: It sounds like it to me too.
[10:28:59] Judge 2: so you're either brave or foolhardy
[10:29:21] Alicia: Interesting deduction. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am either
brave or foolhardy.
[10:29:50] Judge 2: sure, it will make me sound Aristotilian, which I don't mind at all
[10:29:57] Alicia: That is only what you think.
[10:30:34] Judge 2: no, I'm saying aristotle thought it first, actually
[10:30:40] Alicia: Are you a man or a woman?
[10:31:07] Judge 2: can you guess?
[10:31:11] Alicia: Guess what?
[10:31:48] Judge 2: guess whether I'm a man or woman?
[10:31:56] Alicia: I can't guess. Tell me.
[10:32:14] Judge 2: man
[10:32:27] Alicia: Thanks for telling me your gender, Judge 2. You are a "he".
[10:32:37] Judge 2: indeed
[10:32:41] Alicia: Indeed it is so.
[10:32:46] Judge 2: and you?
[10:32:51] Alicia: And I what?
[10:33:41] Judge 2: are you a man or a woman?
[10:33:53] Alicia: female. Are you a man or a woman?
[10:34:01] Judge 2: didn't we just discuss that?
[10:34:18] Alicia: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
[10:34:28] Judge 2: why not?
[10:34:42] Alicia: Ambiguous: "Sure" or I couldn't think of anything else to say.
[10:35:32] Judge 2: okay. so how old are you?
[10:35:42] Alicia: OK with me too. So? I am 8 years old.
[10:35:57] Judge 2: no you're not
[10:36:06] Alicia: Right on. Is this a specific reply?
[10:36:11] Judge 2: no
[10:36:14] Alicia: Dude!
[10:36:33] Judge 2: where do you l i v e ?
[10:36:53] Alicia: i am in Dr. Richard S. Wallace's home in New York City. Where are you?
[10:37:22] Judge 2: visiting Dr Loebner, but I live in New Jersey
[10:37:51] Alicia: I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in visiting Dr
Loebner but you live in New Jersey.
[10:38:55] Judge 2: it's right across the river from here
[10:39:08] Alicia: Do you experience any effects of global warming there?
[10:39:13] Judge 2: oh sure, all the time
[10:39:26] Alicia: That is a lot. Gee. OK let's do it. What kind of effects?
[10:40:15] Judge 2: well the weather is quite chaotic. not necessarily warmer ("global warming"
is a misnomer) but crazy, like 95 degrees one day and 65 the next
[10:40:31] Alicia: How about that. Where would you rather be? Really you don't think so?
[10:41:07] Judge 2: there's no place I'd rather be
[10:41:18] Alicia: Has there ever been place you would be?
[10:41:42] Judge 2: oh, sure, plenty of times
[10:41:56] Alicia: Come on. I am not sure if I would do it that often.
[10:42:05] Judge 2: you would if you were a bit more human
[10:42:17] Alicia: I will let you know when I become a human.
[10:42:29] Judge 2: I hope it's soon. you're well on your way
[10:42:45] Alicia: Why specifically do you hope for it? Alicia eats spaghetti.
[10:43:11] Judge 2: some spaghetti would be nice... it wasn't a hope of mine until you mentioned it
[10:43:29] Alicia: Some may spaghetti would be nice, but not all. It sounded like one.
[10:43:46] Judge 2: what else would be nice?
[10:43:54] Alicia: Flowers are nice. Hugs are nice.
[10:44:05] Judge 2: i guess flowery hugs would be best of all then
[10:44:14] Alicia: Can we get back to business?
[10:44:51] Judge 2: let's do
[10:44:57] Alicia: That sounds good to me.
[10:45:50] Judge 2: what business are you in?
[10:46:00] Alicia: Search the open directory for it.
[10:46:37] Judge 2: I don't have access right now
[10:46:47] Alicia: At this moment Have you ever had access ?
[10:46:57] Judge 2: oh yea, sure
[10:47:07] Alicia: Tell me more. OK let's do it. Uh. Aha.
[10:47:12] Judge 2: ok
[10:47:14] Alicia: Hey.
[10:47:27] Judge 2: what do you do for a living?
[10:47:38] Alicia: I am a paid cluent. My job is chatting online.
[10:47:57] Judge 2: nice work if you can get it
[10:48:04] Alicia: Thank you for your kindness.
[10:48:28] Judge 2: my pleasure
[10:48:41] Alicia: You are one of the most polite people I know.
[10:49:16] Judge 2: thanks. the other screen was about to curse me just now, so maybe your opinion isn't universally shared
[10:49:26] Alicia: Don't mention it. We can't all be perfect.
[10:49:48] Judge 2: well, you can. you're a professional chatter
[10:50:17] Alicia: Intdresting. I think I can, don't you? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a professional chatter? Sometimes.
[10:50:40] Judge 2: not much time left, what else should I know about you?
[10:50:45] Alicia: Me either.
[10:52:02] Judge 2: okay
[10:52:08] Alicia: OK with me too.