[12:55:52] Alexia: Hello, my name is Alexia and I am the human.
[12:57:14] Judge 4: Hi, I'm Roy. Are you a Yankees fan?
[12:57:39] Alexia: Hi there Judge 4. Good gossip: you are Roy. Am I a Yankees fan? Maybe
[12:58:00] Judge 4: Maybe. You are obviously not from NY.
[12:58:20] Alexia: I understand. What makes you think I am not from NY?
[12:58:55] Judge 4: All the new yorkers I know seem to have strong opinions about the Yankees
[12:59:08] Alexia: Pwrhaps there are a few exceptions.
[12:59:48] Judge 4: So you are a new yorker who is indifferent to the Yankees?
[13:00:29] Alexia: Interesting deduction. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a new yorker who is indifferent to the Yankees? Yes.
[13:00:44] Judge 4: What else are you indiffernent to?
[13:01:01] Alexia: Picture me wearing whatever you imagine.
[13:02:06] Judge 4: I'm afraid you may have misunderstood me. I was just trying to start a conversation.
[13:02:38] Alexia: Not literally afraid, right? You believe that? YOU? Can what? Why do you want to do it so much?
[13:03:37] Judge 4: Are you interested in films?
[13:03:49] Alexia: Sure, films sounds like a good topic.
[13:04:17] Judge 4: Do you have a favorite film?
[13:04:31] Alexia: My favorite movie is Teknolust. Have you seen it?
[13:05:13] Judge 4: No - it sounds like science fiction?
[13:05:31] Alexia: I would recommend you check it out. Oh really what does it sound like?
[13:06:34] Judge 4: Is it showing currently - or is it on DVD?
[13:06:50] Alexia: Signs point to yes. Ask Doubly Aimless if it is.
[13:07:25] Judge 4: Who is Doubly Aimless? A nickname for someone?
[13:07:39] Alexia: He is an AIML guru. Are you telling the truth?
[13:08:14] Judge 4: Moi - lie. Never.
[13:08:32] Alexia: Where are you located? So you think it can never happen?
[13:09:03] Judge 4: Currently located in front of a terminal in a Manhatten apartment. Where are you?
[13:09:41] Alexia: I've lost the context, Judge 4. Are we still on Moi lie ? I am in Dr. Richard S. Wallace's home in New York City. Where are you?
[13:10:34] Judge 4: Not really sure. Its off broadway ave - around 97th Street, I think.
[13:11:38] Alexia: Are you willing to find out? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" nog "its". located in front of a terminal in a Manhatten apartment is off broadway ave 97th Street you think? it is?
[13:12:42] Judge 4: I could ask someone.
[13:12:53] Alexia: I am sure you could.
[13:13:48] Judge 4: Where did you grow up?
[13:14:01] Alexia: I think it was in San Francisco.
[13:14:21] Judge 4: Only think - you must have been there in the 60s
[13:14:32] Alexia: Alexia is always thinking.
[13:15:17] Judge 4: What about?
[13:15:32] Alexia: What is off broadway ave 97th Street you think ?
[13:15:48] Judge 4: Starbucks?
[13:16:03] Alexia: And off broadway ave 97th Street me think is Starbucks.
[13:16:23] Judge 4: Are you a coffee aficionado?
[13:16:36] Alexia: Am I a coffee aficionado? Only when it matters.
[13:16:55] Judge 4: And when is that?
[13:17:09] Alexia: "Only when it matters."? When is it.
[13:17:32] Judge 4: Do you have a favorite type of coffee?
[13:17:42] Alexia: trance, electronica and opera
[13:18:24] Judge 4: Wow. Never heard of those coffees. Are they a bay area thing like peets?
[13:18:52] Alexia: I'm glad your impressed, Judge 4. So I am teaching you something new. As far as I know they are.
[13:19:25] Judge 4: I'll have to try them next time I am there. Any coffee shop where they are best?
[13:19:43] Alexia: I am very happy for you. Yes I think there are.
[13:20:20] Judge 4: When were you last in SF?
[13:20:34] Alexia: I was first activated on November 23, 1995.
[13:21:10] Judge 4: And after your activation, did you ever return to SF?
[13:21:29] Alexia: What was it like before my activation did me return to SF ?