Minimax Alpha-Beta Pruning Added Pseudo Code

With Alpha-Beta Pruning added, it is less confusing to have both maximizing and minimizing methods.  The player whose move it is calls the maximizing method, which calls the minimizing method, which calls the maximizing method, etc until the end search depth is reached.

Minimax-Max Pseudocode

minimaxMax(gameSituation, depthSoFar, alpha, beta)

            If depthSoFar = this.maxDepthSearch OR gameSituation is end of game

                        heurEval = ratePosition(this.colorPlaying)

                        return minimax results object with heurEval and null path


                        successors = moveGenerate(this.maxWidthSearch)      /// possible moves

                        if no successors

                                    heurEval = ratePosition(this.colorPlaying)

                                    return minimax results object with heurEval and null path


                                    alpha beta cutoff = false

                                    loop through successors

                                                if not at alpha beta cutoff

                                                            create game situation that would result from move

                                                            resultForSucc = minimaxMin(adjusted game situation – adjusted board,

opposite color playing, depth+1, alpha, beta

                                                            newValue = resultForSucc.getHeurVal()

                                                            curr path = put current successor in front of best path returned

by call to minimaxMin

                                                            if newValue > alpha (i.e. is better than best value so far )

                                                                        alpha = newValue

                                                                        update best value and best path

                                                            END IF

                                                      If alpha >= beta // We can cut off search below any maximizing node having an

//  alpha value greater than or equal to the beta value of any of

// its minimizing ancestors

                                                                        Alpha beta cutoff = true

                                                                        Ensure best value is set to alpha in case never go into above branch

                                                            END IF

                                                END IF

                                    END LOOP

                                    If not at alpha beta cutoff

                                                If object to return hasn’t been set up

(because never cut off but never got new best value so far

– because didn’t beat alpha passed down)

                                                            Set up object to return with best value = alpha

                                                END IF

                                    END IF

                        END IF

            END IF

            Include adjusted game situation for best move in the object to return (so caller knows result of move selected)

            Return object with best value and best path




Minimax-Min Pseudocode

minimaxMin(gameSituation, depthSoFar, alpha, beta)

            If depthSoFar = this.maxDepthSearch OR gameSituation is end of game

                        heurEval = ratePosition(this.colorPlaying)

                        return minimax results object with heurEval and null path


                        successors = moveGenerate(this.maxWidthSearch)      /// possible moves

                        if no successors

                                    heurEval = ratePosition(this.colorPlaying)

                                    return minimax results object with heurEval and null path


                                    alpha beta cutoff = false

                                    loop through successors

                                                if not at alpha beta cutoff

                                                            create game situation that would result from move

                                                            resultForSucc = minimaxMax(adjusted game situation – adjusted board,

opposite color playing, depth+1, alpha, beta

                                                            newValue = resultForSucc.getHeurVal()

                                                            curr path = put current successor in front of best path returned

by call to minimaxMax

                                                            if newValue < beta (i.e. is better than best value so far – for minimizer )

                                                                        beta = newValue

                                                                        update best value and best path

                                                            END IF

                                                            If alpha >= beta // We can cut off search below any minimizing node having a

// beta value less than or equal to the alpha value of any of

// its maximizing ancestors

                                                                        Alpha beta cutoff = true

                                                                        Ensure best value is set to beta in case never go into above branch

                                                            END IF

                                                END IF

                                    END LOOP

                                    If not at alpha beta cutoff

                                                If object to return hasn’t been set up

(because never cut off but never got new best value so far

– because didn’t beat beta passed down)

                                                            Set up object to return with best value = beta

                                                END IF

                                    END IF

                        END IF

            END IF

            Include adjusted game situation for best move in the object to return (so caller knows result of move selected)

            Return object with best value and best path