;;;====================================================== ;;; financial planning - certainy factors ;;; ;;; ;;; CLIPS Version 6.0 Example ;;; ;;; To execute, merely load this and relatives.clp, reset and run. ;;;====================================================== (defrule startup => (printout t "we are recommending financial strategy" crlf ) (assert (name CLYDE) ; establish facts about the client (age 42) (healthinsurance yes) (lifeinsurance yes) (savings 20000) (salary 3000) (pension no) (ira no) (married yes) (kids yes) (ageyoungestchild 12) (ageoldestchild 12) (loans noteligible) cf .8 (scholarship no) (trustfund no) (tuition expensive) cf .8 (ownhome no) (wanthome yes) cf .8 (enjoygambling no) cf .8 (budget sometimes) cf .8 (moneyworry no) cf .9 ;; (set-fact-duplication TRUE) ) )