CIS 523                Fall 2000            Assignment 3 – SQL using Oracle


Due: TBA  (in class time will be available for this before due date)



      There is a set of tables owned by “cis523” available on the server at La Salle. The schema for the tables is given below. Your task is to develop queries to answer the questions given below, and run them against the database. Capture the execution/results in a (spool) file, and turn in the file.




              ProjID       Codename


              JobID         JobClass       ChargePerHr


EmployID       employName       jobcode

FK jobcode to JOBS (JobID) (N:1)


              Employnum       projnum       hrsonjob

              FK employnum to EMPLOYEES (employed) (N:1)

              FK projnum to PROJECTS (projID) (N:1)





1)       Show for JobCode 3, the project name, employee name, and hours working on the project for all employees that worked on any project. Sort the results by project code name.

2)       Show for the Tornado project, the name, job class, charge per hour, and hours on job for every employee who worked on the project this week. Sort the results by employee name.

3)       Show for each employee, their name and the total number hours worked on ALL projects this week (sum). Sort the results by employee name.

4)       Show for each project, the totals: number of hours worked on the project by all employees, and the total charge for all employees’ work. Sort the results by project code name.


Check your work (the actual data is small), and make sure that what you turn in shows your SQL commands and the resulting output.