CIS 636 Spring 2003                Assignment 1 – Getting Warmed Up – IDE, Basic Java, not even OOP                100 points

Assigned: 01/27/2003

Due: 02/03/2003 at the start of class 


You may work individually or in pairs for this assignment. But all work must be the work of the person/people whose name is on the code! If working in pairs, the individual contributions should be relatively equal. One possibility is to work together tonight, then finish separately (to avoid communication difficulties).


Main Assignment:

The National Weather Service has updated its wind chill factor formula. See and This means that my Wind Chill Factor applet is no longer correct.  Your current task is to write a simple Java Application to calculate Wind Chill Factors for both the old and new formulas. 

You will need to obtain from the user the current temperature and wind speed. Then calculate the wind chill factors and display the results (including temperature and wind speed and both wind chill factors).  The USA Today page above has the new and old formulas.  The NWS page above has a chart of wind chill factors and an applet (?) that calculates new and old values, so you can check your work.

I have made available to you two I/O classes, RedmondMsgIn, and RedmondMsgOut, that take care of a lot of details of  I/O. I suggest that you use dialog boxes for input – provided in RedmondMsgIn class by readValid, and for output – provided in RedmondMsgOut by display.  Using these will give you a little basic GUI style without many lines of code. They will cause you some extra effort learning the IDE (working with multiple files and packages) but it will be useful learning for later.


Hand in:



·         You can get any of my code you need from the review page of my WWW site. 

·         You shouldn’t have to change anything in RedmondMsgIn and RedmondMsgOut. The recommended methods make some simplifying assumptions, since we haven’t covered exception handling yet. This means that some exceptions will result if the user tries hard enough.  No biggie at this point.

·         Valid temperatures are from –40 to 50 (wind chill is undefined above 50 degrees). Valid wind speeds are from 3 to 105 (wind chills are undefined for wind speed less than 3).  Choices that are invalid shouldn’t cause problems with the program.

·         MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM WORKS! (i.e. more than just removing compile errors). Your program needs to be able to handle any valid inputs, and catch invalid values of the correct type (for now (until we cover exceptions), we won’t catch invalid values that are the wrong type (e.g. letters where numbers are needed)). 

·         Put YOUR NAME, and e-mail address in comments at the beginning of the program.

·         Remember: Indentation, meaningful variable names, and meaningful comments. Weaknesses in any of these could result in points off. You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.