CIS 636 Spring 2003     

Assignment 7 – Object Oriented Programming in Java – Bringing Together Some Pieces  

100 points

Assigned: 03/24/2003

Due: 04/07/2003 at the start of class 


You may work individually or in pairs for this assignment. But all work must be the work of the person/people whose name is on the code! If working in pairs, the individual contributions should be relatively equal. One possibility is to work together tonight, then finish separately (to avoid communication difficulties).


Main Assignment:

We are finishing off a simplification of a university registration program. Now, we want to create a make use of previously created classes in order to 1) allow student registrations; b) allow printing a class roster; c) allow assigning grades to all students in a section; and d) allow printing a student’s transcript, with GPA.  I expect that this will be done with a driver class that has a main that (somewhat unrealistically) gives the user the option to do any of the above.  As set up, I strongly urge you to kludge together a small set of professors, courses, sections, and students.  The alternative of having users input data makes creating even a small set of students, courses, and sections too tedious for testing.  The alternative of getting info out of DB fails, since we don’t have such a DB.

Depending on your testing in Assignment 5, you may be able to reuse some of that code for this assignment.  I have no requirement that the data be real. Professor names could be “Professor 1,”, “Professor 2”, etc if it allows creating kludged data using a loop instead of more tedious manners.


Hand in:



·        MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM WORKS! (i.e. more than just removing compile errors). Your program needs to be able to handle any valid inputs, and catch invalid values. 

·        Put YOUR NAME, and e-mail address in comments at the beginning of the program.

·        Remember: Indentation, meaningful variable names, and meaningful comments. Weaknesses in any of these could result in points off. You MUST include comments that explain your program in order to get full credit.