CIS 636 Spring 2004                                                                  Project                                                             

Assigned: 03/25/2004

Due: 04/22/2004 


You may work individually or in pairs for this project. But all work must be the work of the person/people whose name is on the code! If working in pairs, the individual contributions should be relatively equal. A pair project should be more extensive than an individual project. 


Main Assignment:

Develop a project of your choice. The scope should be roughly equivalent to 2 regular assignments. The project should involve multiple classes and event-driven GUI. It should also involve at least one other challenging aspect, from past topics (threads, interfaces), future topics that you will read ahead on (e.g. Applets), or something that we won’t cover that you are interested in.

Please bounce your ideas off of me by 04/01/04

Hand in:



·        Put YOUR NAME, and e-mail address, and where to mount filesystem in comments at the beginning of the program.

·        Remember: Indentation, meaningful variable names, and meaningful comments.