CIS 636 – Spring 2005

03/03/05              Mid Term Test                   Test Form B





Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided.

Hand in TEST, Attached Code, Answer Sheet, and Help Sheet, each with your name on it.

This part of the test is “closed book” except for your help sheet. This part of the test must be handed in before you receive the programming part of the test. You will not be able to go back and revise your answers for this section of the test after you have received the programming part of the test (you can hold onto your help sheet while doing the programming part)

               Remember to put the letter of your test form on your answer sheet.

               Please ask any clarifying questions you have (come up).



True/ False – If False, Explain Why (4 points each)


  1. Data that is protected may be accessed only by methods of the class that it is defined in, and any subclasses of the class.


  1. A class can only implement one interface, no more.


  1. A switch statement can have cases based on a variable of an enumerated type.


  1. A new capability of Java (in 1.5) is the capability to define a method that can be passed a variable number of parameters.



Terminology (3 points each)


  1. An important OOP principle, ________ means that a higher level view of something is taken, with some details ignored. From an OOP perspective, the application of this principle means that data concerning objects of interest is identified along with operations to be allowed for that data. Everything else about such objects is ignored.


  1. ________ methods are not run for specific objects. They can be invoked using Classname.methodname(parameters). They provide some functionality that does not require an object.


  1. One of the principles of OOP, ________ means that the same method name can be used for multiple forms of the method (multiple versions of code). Strict definitions require that in order to count as this, the determination of what code to run must be able to be made at run-time.


  1. A kind of statement used for testing and debugging, ________ tests some condition and if the condition is not true, creates a run-time error.


  1. A new capability in Java, ________ allows a direct assignment of a primitive value (such as an int or double) into an wrapper object (such as an Integer or Double) without any explicit conversion or cast.



Short Answer (points as shown)


 (6 points)

  1. The keyword “final” has several uses. Explain briefly its meaning when used with data, methods, and classes.


 (6 points)

11.   Why are instance variables usually defined as private?




Doing and Understanding: (points as shown)


 (6 points)

  1. Given the attached EzPassLocation, EzPassBridge, EzPassInterchangeArrays, EzPassCustomer, and exception classes,  what is displayed by the following code fragment?


EzPassCustomer customer1 = new EzPassCustomer("Alice", 10.00, false, 5.00, 111);

       EzPassCustomer dup = new EzPassCustomer("Alice", 10.00, false, 5.00, 111);

if (dup = = customers[1]) {

System.out.println("The same");


else {




(10 points)

  1. Given the attached EzPassLocation, EzPassBridge, EzPassInterchangeArrays, EzPassCustomer, and exception classes,  and assumiong that the code in Question 13 has already run, what is displayed by the following code fragment?


EzPassBridge bridge1 = new EzPassBridge("Betsy", "Pennsk", "NJ", "NJ 90", 3, 'W',2.70);


System.out.println("Cust 1: " + customer1);


System.out.println("Cust 1: " + customer1);


(6 points)

  1. Given the attached EzPassLocation, EzPassBridge, EzPassInterchangeArrays, EzPassCustomer, and exception classes,  and assumiong that the code in Question 14 has already run, what is displayed by the following code fragment?


      EzPassLocation tollPlaces [] = new EzPassLocation[3];

       tollPlaces[0] = bridge1;

       System.out.println("Bridge: " + tollPlaces[0]);




CIS 636 – Spring 2005

03/03/05                             Mid Term Test                   Part 2





Answer ALL questions by writing code and turning in a complete setup of folders and files so it can be easily tested (and printouts).

Hand in TEST, and Help Sheet, printouts, and disk, and the CD-R I gave you, each with your name on it.

This part of the test is “open-anything” – any resources you have, or can find on the Net are permissible.

You cannot go back to Part 1 of the test after receiving this part.

Please ask any clarifying questions you have (come up).


Writing Code (points as shown)



Given the Card, Hand, Deck,  Player, Person (and ID) classes and the Suit and Rank enumerated types and the IO package included on the included CD, carry out the following questions. (the CD is CD-R, so you cannot update on there)


(15 points)

  1. Add a method to the Hand class, playChoiceInSuit, which (passed a Suit), gives the user a choice of the cards in the hand, and returns the one chosen, adjusting the hand (essentially playing it). If there is no card in the given suit, throw an Exception with appropriate message


(20 points)

  1. Write a (portion of a) main class, setting up for a game in which there are 4 players and all cards in the deck are dealt to the players (after being shuffled of course). You can kludge together players names etc, but I recommend strongly that you deal in some kind of loop. Show the players’ hands. Have the first player choose a club to play. Show the card to play, and show the revised hand.