INL 650                           Summer 2003               Project – Initial Design


Due: 7/03/03


Produce a “Low-Fidelity” Design – an “on paper prototype” that is the first pass of the interface design. This could be done using tools or via hand, but is not intended as a functioning prototype – that will be later. In your paper prototype, show major screen designs, and give “story-boards” walking through 3 task scenarios (limited to 3 for school purposes). These benchmark tasks should include 1 easy task, 1 medium task, and 1 difficult task (An easy task might require one or two clicks on one screen/form. A medium task might require several clicks, and maybe more than one screen. A hard task might require multiple clicks on several screens). Turn in four (4) copies (one for me to keep, one for each of two reviewers, one to be returned to you).