; simple example with 2 rules that reason about how to change speed given ; an error rating of the speed (deftemplate speed_error ; lv -- linguistic variable 0 1 ; universe of discourse (range) ( ; linguistic term definitions (large_positive (0 0) (.1 .1) (.2 .2) (.3 .3) (.4 .4) (.5 .5) (.6 .6) (.7 .7) (.8 .8) (.9 .9) (1 1)) (zero (0 1) (.11 0)) (small_positive (0 1) (1 0)) ) ) (deftemplate speed_change ; lv -- linguistic variable 0 1 ; universe of discourse (range) ( ; linguistic term definitions (large_negative (.1 0) (.2 .2) (.3 .4) (.4 .6) (.5 .8) (.6 1)) (none (0 1) (.1 .1) (.2 0)) (small_negative (.4 1) (.5 .8) (.6 .6) (.7 .4) (.8 .2) (.9 0)) ) ) ;(deffacts my_facts ; (speed_error (.19 0)(.2 1)(.21 0)) CF .9 ;;; going way too fast ;;; exactly how fast is a LITTLE fuzzy (not much) ;) ;;; MAR 06/09/05 - did as startup rule instead of deffacts above to give me more flexibility (defrule start => (plot-fuzzy-value t "+.*" nil nil (create-fuzzy-value speed_error large_positive) (create-fuzzy-value speed_error zero) (create-fuzzy-value speed_error small_positive)) (plot-fuzzy-value t "+.*" nil nil (create-fuzzy-value speed_change large_negative) (create-fuzzy-value speed_change none) (create-fuzzy-value speed_change small_negative)) (assert (speed_error (.19 0)(.2 1)(.21 0)) CF .9 ;;; going way too fast ;;; exactly how fast is a LITTLE fuzzy (not much) ) ) ; NOTE: both of these next 2 rules have a contribution to make to the solution ; resulting in a fuzzy set for speed-change that reflects this ; combination after both rules have fired (defrule speed-too-fast ; type fuzzy-fuzzy (declare (CF .7)) ?f <- (speed_error large_positive) => ;;; MAR 06/09/05 - debugging added (bind ?howfast (moment-defuzzify ?f)) (bind ?fastclipped (get-fs-value (create-fuzzy-value speed_error large_positive) ?howfast)) (printout t "> debug in speed-too-fast how fast is it? " ?howfast " membership: " ?fastclipped t) (assert (speed_change large_negative)) ) (defrule speed-ok ; type fuzzy-fuzzy (declare (CF .7)) ?f <- (speed_error zero) => ;;; MAR 06/09/05 - debugging added (bind ?howfast (moment-defuzzify ?f)) (bind ?fastclipped (get-fs-value (create-fuzzy-value speed_error zero) ?howfast)) (printout t "> debug in speed-ok how fast is it? " ?howfast " membership: " ?fastclipped t) (assert (speed_change none)) ) ; the next rule takes the result of the previous 2 rules and produces a non-fuzzy ; result to identify the amount (between 0 and 1) to change the speed ; and finally prinst out the de-fuzzified result (defrule get-crisp-value-and-print-rslt (declare (salience 1)) ?sc <- (speed_change ?) => (bind ?f (moment-defuzzify ?sc))  (plot-fuzzy-value t "+" nil nil ?sc) (printout t "Change speed by a factor of: " ?f crlf) )