
Web Design and Development

TR 11:00 - 12:15 (S 21); H-167

Mar. 29

April 3

Apr. 5

  • HTML forms site of the day from: Colin

Today’s topics are forms and Brackets, and HTML5. Reading is HTML & CSS chapters 7 (forms) and 14 (CSS for forms).
Form action: You can set action="" in your form and it will send me an e-mail. You may need to add an encryption type: enctype=""x-www-form-urlencoded". We can test it later as you develop your site. SO your form would read: <form name="whatever" method="post" action="" enctype="x-www-form-urlencoded">. Action could also be action=""> or action="thanks.html" which would be an HTML page that you create.

We will begin building a form today that is part of your final project, due in May. It might look like this, and here is that page live. We will start building from this (blank) page (Brackets does not seem to provide a starter page the way Dreamweaver did.).

Here is a form demo with code you should learn.
and a good tutorial from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network). Think about how you could add CSS to forms to style input fields, buttons, etc., e.g. input {background-color: #123456;}. And here is one about why the ACTION="" doesn’t always work, and an article on user-friendly forms.

Here is a demo of some of the new HTML5 form inputs (check the source code) and an HTML5 form that I did (check in webkit, i.e. Safari or Chrome).

There are a few services that promise free forms server-side processing such as Response-o-matic.

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty