
Web Design and Development

TR 11:00 - 12:15 (S 21); H-167

Mar. 22

March 27

Mar. 29

  • CSS layout site of the day from:
      , and
    Here are What the Flexbox and Brackets.
  • We'll go over the test, and then do a CSS review (build a float: layout). Try this page on float: from CSS Tricks (good site to know). You might want to try Filezilla and FTP a test page to if you have not tried that for a while (password is the La Salle ID one: with "abc" = first three letters of your last name). For later, here are some details and extra tips on that in my Posting Tips.

  • Here is the CSS we did in class following the textbook file—you should have these basics down by now.
  • If your grid from the previous assignment is not working, look back at the Adobe page or my float example (that includes a footer).
  • A bit more complex layouts that include a <header> (or <div id="header">) are the one from the old textbook and one I made for the DArt 280 seminar.
  • and we will build one starting today, with float: from Chapter 15 and some HTML5 elements from Chapter 17 and a bunch of other stuff (currently on my USB; not posted). It could look like this (centered, with your choice of colors).

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty