
Web Design and Development

TR 2:00 - 3:15 (S 22)

Feb. 16

February 18

Feb. 23

The main topic is more on Photoshop and Web images, specifically GIFs.
Here's another description of basic image file types for the Web.
We’ll walk through making a textured background tile. Note that making a graphic (appear to) tile only on the y-axis can be accomplished with CSS {background-repeat: repeat-y;} . A reminder to look at the Extras & Tools on the book website: here's Duckett's video on saving images in Photoshop (Q: What setting does he fail to adjust in this video)?
And here's the famous jar of Jif.

This is a background tile I made in Photoshop that’s OK, but more patterned than seamless. Second, here is a Transparent gif with matte color that we can make from downloading the 3ducks files: .pict file and background .gif. The difference is subtle, but compare that matted GIF to one that has no matte color. (Remember to look at the GIFs in the browser.)

Finally, you can find Photoshop and other training at (consider subscribing or get it free through the Free Library of Philadelphia) or Sitepoint, one that I use.

You are advised in any layout to include in the IMG tag

And here's a list of media file extensions for images.

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty