
Web Design and Development

TR 2:00 - 3:15 (S 22)

Feb. 23

February 25

Mar. 2

  • Design site of the day from: and
Here is an explanation of CSS shorthands and the CSS box model I made (click for larger version).

Today’s topic is Design Principles. There is a PowerPoint on design principles below. Reading is HTML & CSS Chapter 18. The list we will cover is: Alignment, Proximity, Repetition, Contrast, Balance, Proportion, Harmony, Unity, Rhythm and Movement. And speaking of contrast, don't do THIS or for proximity/grouping avoid THIS.

Because this is a lab week, I did a separate presentation about Design Principles that you need to know for the final exam (and to make websites!). It's in PowerPoint so I could add a few interactive questions (keep clicking). Make sure you go through this for next week, and bring any questions to the next Zoom

Before you go too far in writing HTML and CSS, you should take a look at Adobe XD. The future of interactive prototyping for web and other media.

Other ways to think about design:

  • For a searchable database of Cool Home Pages visit CoolHome
  • An Australian design firm's poster, similar to our lists
  • Design guidelines, more than principles, from psdtuts+
  • The last of a seven-part series on Design Principles from Smashing Magazine
  • A nice, long page on the elements and principles (sort of mixed together) from Canva
  • One more on mistakes to avoid, originally from Visme
Here is the second CSS video, No. 5 in the series, which covers grouped selectors, background-color, styles the <h1> does the .special class for the <span> and line-height for the paragraphs (you will need a class for that).

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty