Web Development
DART 230

TR 11:00-12:15 (S 21); H-167


John Beatty
Personal site
entry page

E-mail: beatty@lasalle.edu

Office:157 Olney

Office hours:
MW 12-3, F 1-2 and by appointment

Office phone: (215) 951-5004

Home phone: (610) 433-5339

    In DART 230 you’ll be introduced to the practice of World Wide Web document design and development, grounded in an understanding of the Web’s development and theories of graphics and communication. The course focuses on creating, revising, editing, and critiquing Web sites using “hard code” and applications-based layout and editing. It also covers the fringes of client-side Web site creation such as CSS3, HTML5, jQuery and XML, and covers XHTML practices.

    The class is a lot of fun but it’s a lot of hard work, too. We can all get the most of it if we follow a few basic guidelines:

  • Attend class every day, and please don’t be late. Attendance is important, and can count toward your grade.
  • Bring a disk or external drive with you every day. You should consider a USB drive or save to the I/H drive space allocated to you.
  • Keep up with the reading. There will be a good amount of reading assigned, both in the text and on the Web. The less time we spend reviewing reading assignments, the more in-class time we’ll have to work on projects.
    For more on policies, go to the Syllabus page.

— John Beatty

Students with Special Needs

If you have special needs, please let me know as soon as possible so we can make whatever arrangements you need.

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Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty