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Web Design and Development

TR 11:00 - 12:15 (S 21); H-167

Posting Tips

    The basic steps:
    1. Be sure you have a directory on your Web server. In our case you should have a folder called public_html on the server:
    2. Open a copy of Filezilla.
      • OR get a home copy of Filezilla (note it's
        Then set the Profile Name and the Host Name/Address to Host Type can be Automatic Detect or UNIX (Standard). Enter your alpha User ID (one you always use to log on) and Password (format is where 1234567 = your La Salle ID, dot (no spaces) and first three letters of your user name lowercase) set port = 22 and hit OK. This will link you to
        s and later you can use the dropdown to reconnect.
      • OR try using the protocol through the browser:
        and then enter your alpha User ID and Password.
    3. Open your public_html folder on the right (Remote System) window and send your files, XHTML, CSS and images, over from the left (Local System) side with the arrows or by double-clicking.

    Things to watch out for:
    • File and folder names that have capitals in them. UNIX often capitalizes the whole name so that:
      becomes FILE.GIF.
      You may also see file.GIF. Neither of these will work if your tag reads:
      <img src="File.gif" /> (and it won't work if your tag is <img src="file.gif" />)
    • File and folder names that have spaces/gaps. Here newer browsers will fill them in for you (space = %20 in ASCII) but it’s bad form. If you want spaces, use the underscore: file_name.html
    • Take out any local DOS path information.
      <a href="C:\My Documents\website\mypage.html>My page</a>
      will work locally but not live. Delete the drive and reverse the slashes if you do use a directory structure:
      <a href="website/mypage.html">My page</a>. If there's no folder/directory and you will just have the file name <a href="mypage.html">
    • Don’t edit files live on the Web and don't Save File As through the browser (it will rename the file with the <title>). Notice that if you View Source live, Notepad will show file.html as file[1].html. If you then save and FTP this file it will probably be changed to file~1.html by UNIX (and not apparent until you FTP it).
    • The first file the user will see should be called
      index.html OR index.htm.
      (Others that will work for some browsers include home.htm(l) and default.htm(l) so it’s a good idea to avoid those.)
    • Your Web site will then be resident at: where userID = the standard such as beattyj1. There is no need to give the URL as : because the file name is implied by the "/"

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty