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DART 430

Stuff to do

November 13-15

jQuery crash course and Starter file; always check back at jQuery

Nivo jQuery slider and my demo; Slides.js (not a scroller); 45 scroller/slide options; my Wow! slider demo;
Form validation: use HTML5 form inputs (see next week);

Look at this restaurant (WordPress) for what you might aim for, or this (Bootstrap).
<canvas> with demos 1, 2, 3 (with notes) (all Webkit); (a colored rectangle with alpha added to <canvas> example 2); HTML5 from WebFundamentals Google Labs), browser support for HTML5 (moz or webkit; mouse over the rainbow); the HTML5 Doctor Keith Chapter 3, 4; Zeldman Chapter 7
Here's a combination of the 960 grid/header and responsive_nav.js
Free HTML5 chapter from Internet.com; some <svg> demos 1, 2, 3 ; note last one embeds with <object>. You could also just use <img src="">(see also Resume notes 3-D demo)
One more: a pure CSS slider. (Demo here; this is another wizard with an .exe file to install. Go mainly with defaults.) And Boxy SVG generator (app, also works inside Chrome) that made this!