Have the user enter a username and password and click a button.
Check that the user's attempt at a username matches the actual username (marxg1)
and that the user's attempt at a password matches the actual password (swordfish).
Use a Password input for the password. If both username and password match navigate to a new page; otherwise, pop up a message indicating a
problem. Count the number of attempts and disable the button after three
failed attempts.
2. Revised Salary calculator. Revise for salary calculator homework so that instead
of the user entering a wage, the user selects a job title (such as Waiter/Waitress,
Host/Hostess, Bartender, Cashier, Manager, Dishwasher). Then use a switch statement
to determine the user's wage based on the selected position. If the user changes the
job title selection, the answer should be cleared out.
Due: Sept. 23
Monday Lab
Make a page that
Has a table with six rows and two columns
Has a text input for the user to enter the county
Has a drop-down select for the user to enter the state
Has a text input for the user to enter the amount
Has a button for the user to enter his/her data. (The button is is a merged cell.
In Design view highlight the two cells, right click, the choose
Modify and Merge.)
Has a table cell to display the tax due
Has a table cell to display the total (amount with tax)
When the button is clicked call a function that enters the amount
and checks that it is a number and greater than zero (alerts if not
a number or less than zero).
The function should also determine the user's state and county.
If the state is Delaware (DE), the sales tax rate is 0; if the state is
New Jersey (NJ), the rate is 7% (0.07); if the state is Pennsylvania (PA)
and the county is Philadelphia, the rate is 8%; if the state is PA and
the county is Allegheny, the rate is 7%; all other PA counties have
a rate of 6%.
Calculates and displays the tax (amount times tax rate). It should
appear as currency (with a dollar sign and two decimal places).
Calculates and displays the total (amount plus tax). It should
appear as currency (with a dollar sign and two decimal places).
If the user changes the state, county or amount, the displayed
results should be cleared out.
Due: Sept. 23
1. Guess a Number. Using the head start, GuessANumber.htm,
make a page that generates a number between 1 and 100 and has the user guess. A
sequence of higher and lower responses is displayed until the the user guesses the
number. Also make sure the user enters a number and that the number entered is
between 1 and 100.
2. Where Am I? Make a page like that shown below. It has two drop-down selects that
allow the user to choose a day and time of day. After the user chooses a day and time, your
code should determine your anticipated location for that time and day (use if's or
switch's, possibly Boolean And or nesting). You should code at least this course,
CSC 230, and one other course you are taking or other activity. There should be a default
message for times and days not accounted for in your logic. The display should be cleared
if the user changes either the time or the day selected.
Due: Sept. 24
Navigate.html (demoes how to
move to another page in JavaScript)
We decided that the first test would be not this Friday but next Friday, Sept. 27.
FindMe.html We considered several
variations on this program including the use of nested if's and the switch statement.
Practice test (last year's test) c230_f12_t1.doc uses MC_3.jpg.
You should really, really, really try to take this practice test in a fifty-minute tile interval to simulate the
test scenario,