Changed addition of numbers from "integers" (whole numbers only) to
"floats" (numbers that allow fractions) in order to demo the
toFixed() method.
Added to last week's logon program. Added label to checkbox so user could
click on words near checkbox as well as on the checkbox itself.
1. Where Am I? Make a page like that shown below. It has two drop-down selects that
allow the user to choose a day and time of day. After the user chooses a day and time, your
code should determine your anticipated location for that time and day (use if's, possibly
Boolean AND/OR or nesting). You should code at least this course,
CSC 230, and one other course you are taking or other activity. There should be a default
message for times and days not accounted for in your logic. The display should be cleared
if the user changes either the time or the day selected.
TableDemo_s20.html Used Visual Studio
to make a table. First by dragging from the ToolBox. Second by going to Design View
and clicking on Table/Insert Table on the menu. If you highlight cells and right click
you can choose to merge the cells.
Used the Math.random() and Math.floor methods to have computer pick a random
number to be guessed.