1. Entity Numbers Make a page like that shown above that allows the user to enter two numbers.
Make a loop that starts at the first number and ends at the second number. For each "iteration" (time
in the loop) it should put on the page the counting number followed by a period
and a space as well as another copy of the number which should be preceded by
an ampersand and a pound (number) sign and followed by a semicolon (this should
be interpreted by HTML as a symbol) and a break tag.
Make a page like that shown above. When the user changes the setting in the
drop-down select, the image should change accordingly. When the button is pressed
use a for-loop to write the sentence "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. "
a number of times (say 20). If the user clicks the button a second time. It should
add the new text to what is already there.