CSC 240: The Week beginning Oct. 18

- Reading:
Chapter 5 in Database Systems: Design, Implementation,
& Management(Rob and Coronel)
- Homework:
- Read Chapter 8 of Database Nation (Simson Garfinkel) and write a
summary of or reaction to what you read.
- Read through the fourth section of Microsoft Office Access 2003
(Lisa Friedrichsen) pages D-1 through D-26. Answer all of the questions
in the Concept Review (1-20). Note that the report feature of Access may not
work in Olney 200 or Olney 201, but should work in the Wister lab or on
your machine.
- Solutions to some previous problems
Due Nov. 1
- Monday:
Yet More Normalization
- Wednesday:
Northwind Database Queries uses
- Friday:
A Few More Northwind Database Queries