Editing the gradle in Android Studio to use the Picasso library
(https://square.github.io/picasso/) which handles
downloading and caching images from the Internet to use in Android applications.
After you edit the gradle, you should be prompted to re-Sync the project.
Locating in the file system the gradle file that was edited
Code to allow permission for an Android app to access the Internet
Create an app like the one you made previously where you chose your own subject:
sports, art, Pokemon, movies, whatever (You can repeat the subject). But this time
the data must be in a JSON file. (You should validate your JSON for instance using
https://jsonlint.com/.) Also
the images will not be downloaded and placed in drawable; instead the JSON
file will include the URL's for the images, and they will be accessed dynamically.
One or more properties from the JSON data will go into a spinner, and the other info into
TextViews. When the user selects a new item from the spinner, the image and data
displayed should change accordingly.
Due: Feb. 24
GlideDemo_kotlin.zip Glide is like Picasso -- a library that deals with downloading and caching
image from the Internet to use in Android apps. And like Picasso one edits the gradle and the AndroidManifest.