Advocacy for Social Justice

[ Hunger and Homelessness ] [ The Alliance ] [ S.A.V.E. ]

Hunger and Homelessness Week
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A week dedicated to educate and challenge the university campus to think about hunger and homelessness issues.
– The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight Alliance
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The Alliance provides a safe space and support for the LGBTS members of the community. Through educational programs, outreach projects, social activities, and efforts at advocacy for equal rights, the organization aims to be a resource for its own members and to provide service to the entire La Salle community. In particular, The Alliance through free speech seeks to challenge any expression of racism, sexism, heterosexism, or other perceived forms of discrimination based on a group's or person's difference.
– Sexual Assault and Violence Ends
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This group focuses on women's issues and healthy relationships. Some events include healthy relationships workshops and "Take Back the Night", a national night of the awareness of sexual assault.

Advocacy Program Galleries
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[ Homeless Outreach ] [ Take Back the Night ]

For further information about how to volunteer for or participate in these programs, please contact University Ministry & Service at (215) 951-1804. You may also e-mail Becky Messa, Community Service Coordinator, at, or Louise Giugliano, Associate Director, at

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