I started in 2010. My earliest work was in Photoshop. I use the first photoshop program CS. Most of the users now in days had never used the old Photoshop CS mostly they started with CS3. When I started to get better I began doing work with my brother that in the same year he decided to become a music artist. After a few months my brother was the one that pushed me to begin learning how to do videos. My earliest videos were slide shows with pictures that I made for him.
My friend Angel Almonte gave me my first opportunity in 2011 to make his video. After making his video I then started to make more music videos and also some comedy. However with comedy I stopped doing them becuase most of the people that wanted to be in the comedy video I made were my friends in the Dominican Republic so I stopped making those videos. Still to this day May 2017 I keep making any kind of videos such as slide show with photos, music videos and also ads for promotions for a special in a store. Most of those ads are for my uncles who have a bar in the Dominican Republic.