
Web Design and Development

TR 2:00 - 3:15 (S 22)

Apr. 13

April 15

Apr. 20

Here is a demo from my DART430 of an image hover effect with transform: scale(2) and a filter:grayscale

Flexbox site of the day from: Shane M.

Comparing four approaches: tables, floats, templates (Bootstrap) and Flexbox. Here are

Here are the two starter files we will use to build a flexbox navigation bar and a flexbox form.

Today’s topic is Flexbox. Again, we cannot post sites online, but here are the details and extra tips on that in my Posting Tips. Most developers would have FileZilla on their own computer.
Here is a CSS layout using floats that I did at a workshop.

You should remember to take a look at the other key CSS sites for ideas and "look-and-feel":

And here is Video #9, building a flexbox nav bar, with some intermediate steps to demonstrate flexbox:

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty