
Web Design and Development

TR 2:00 - 3:15 (S 22)

Apr. 1

April 6

Apr. 8

  • Forms site of the day from: and

Today’s topic is forms. Reading is HTML & CSS chapters 7 (forms) and 14 (CSS for forms).
Form action: You can set action="" in your form and it will send me an e-mail. You may need to add an encryption type: enctype=""x-www-form-urlencoded". We can test it later as you develop your site. SO your form would read: <form name="whatever" method="post" action="" enctype="x-www-form-urlencoded">

Here is a form demo (XHTML), and a blank HTML page we will build a form in, in class to maybe look like this.
and a good tutorial from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network). Think about how you could add CSS to forms to style input fields, buttons, etc., e.g. input {background-color: #123456;}. And here is one about why the ACTION="" doesn’t always work.

Here is a demo of some of the newer HTML5 form inputs (check the source code) and an HTML5 form that I did (check in webkit, i.e. Safari or Chrome).

There are a few services that promise free forms server-side processing such as Response-o-matic.

And here is Video #8 that builds some of the form elements shown in the screenshot above:

Web Development Site maintained by John Beatty