Mission Statement
Ministry and Service will, in association with other members of
the University, provide experiences that expand horizons, invite
exploration, engender growth, and challenge assumptions -allowing
members of our community to investigate, incarnate and celebrate
both our religious heritage and informed citizenship in the world
of the 21st century. To this end we will encourage involvement in
a variety of activities designed to enhance the spiritual life and
to fulfill the gospel call to justice, promote and coordinate community
service and service learning opportunities, invite active participation
in celebrations of the Eucharist and other Sacraments, support sharing
in all appropriate liturgical ministries, and provide educational
services to and engage in other positive interactions with our neighboring
communities. All that we do will be informed by the Lasallian heritage
which defines the heart of the University.
About University Ministry and Service
This unit is supervised by the Director of University
Ministry and Service. The members of the unit provide experiences
that expand horizons, invite exploration, engender growth, and challenge
assumptions – inspiring members of our community to investigate,
incarnate, and celebrate both our religious heritage and informed
citizenship in the 21st century world. Involvement is
encouraged in experiences designed to enhance spiritual life and
to fulfill the gospel call to justice, promote and coordinate community
service and service learning, invite active participation in celebrations
of the Eucharist and other sacraments, support sharing in all appropriate
liturgical ministries, and provide educational services to our neighboring
Charles F. Echelmeier, FSC
College Hall, Lower Level
(215) 951-1048
Louise C. Giugliano
Associate Director
Benilde Hall, 2nd Floor
(215) 951-1804
Rev. David E. Beebe
Campus Minister
College Hall, Lower Level
(215) 951-1048
Eileen McGowan, RSM
Campus Minister
College Hall, Lower Level
(215) 951-1048
Rebecca Messa
Community Service Coordinator
Benilde Hall, 2nd Floor
(215) 951-1804
Stephen D. Kopec
Adult Learning Program Coordinator
Benilde Hall, 2nd Floor
(215) 951-1804
Jeneen M. Norfleet
Administrative Assistant
Benilde Hall, 2nd Floor
(215) 951-1804
Corey Robert Harris
Administrative Assistant
College Hall, Lower Level
(215) 951-1048