CHEMISTRY 241 - 601
Fall Semester, 2006
Instructor: William A. Price, Ph.D.
Assistants: Rebecca Arvary (email:,
Joel Courter (email:, Tom Haimowitz
Class Meetings: Tuesdays, September 12 - December 5, 2006 from 6:30-9:15 in DRL A-4.
Recitation: Three recitation sections: Tom - Tuesday, 5-6 PM in CHEM 514; Joel - Wednesday, 7-8 PM in CHEM 109; Becky - Wednesday, 9-10 AM in IAST 2000. To get to Becky's session, (Vagelos labs), enter Chem bldg, go to 2nd floor and cut across (north) to the Vagelos bldg (connected). At these sessions, assigned problems from the book and posted problem sets will be addressed. It is strongly recommended that you attend either one of these classes every week.
Texts: L.G. Wade, Jr., Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
Other Materials: Darling Molecular Model Set (available in Bookstore) or Chem-Tutor model kit available from instructor.
Web sites: / F. Carey's interactive site (needs MDL Chime)
Course Description and Objectives:
The area of organic chemistry is concerned with the chemistry of carbon-containing compounds. This field of chemistry is central to the areas of pharmaceuticals, petroleum, plastics, flavors, fragrances, pesticides, and life processes.Organic compounds include such molecules as cholesterol, proteins, lipids, DNA, chemotherapeutic agents, AZT, agent orange, and aspirin. Although organic compounds potentially contain many elements of the periodic table, this course will limit its coverage to those compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and the halogens.
It has been suggested that the properties and reactivities of organic compounds are a direct reflection of their geometries, bond strengths, and electron distribution (polarities). The course begins by reviewing atomic and molecular structure using modern orbital theories. Then, beginning with methane, the simplest organic compound, we will begin to develop the foundation of organic chemistry.
The study of organic chemistry is organized by investigating different groups or categories of compounds (these are called functional groups). All compounds in a given functional group contain a common sub-molecular portion that typically dictates the physical, chemical, and often the biological properties of the molecule. Students of organic chemistry are often overwhelmed by the number of compounds, names, reactions, and mechanisms that confront them. Perhaps the most important skill that a student can develop in CHM 241 is the ability to organize, categorize and apply. By learning an abstract concept and having the flexibility to apply it to a variety of similar situations, the amount of memorization is drastically reduced.
The amount of material to be covered is quite large (approximately 500 text book pages) thus it is imperative that you keep up with the course. Keeping up is most easily accomplished by reading the appropriate chapter prior to attending class. Work as many of the assigned problems from the book (as well as any suggested supplementary problems) as possible and ask for help when necessary. This is not the type of course where one can cram everything in the night before an exam. You may also find that rewriting your lecture notes in a less hurried (and more legible) fashion will help in your retaining and comprehending the material.
Chapter Sequence and Suggested Problems:
We will cover chapters 1-11 in CHM 241. Chapter coverage will be somewhat selective. It is the student's responsibility to know what portions of chapters are not covered in lectures and thus not covered on exams.
The text contains an excellent set of problems. It is recommended that you solve the suggested problems in the running text as you read the material (you may want to use a composition notebook for problems). Recommended problems from the chapters will be posted and can be used to fine-tune your grasp of the material.
Recommended problems from L.G. Wade, 6th edition:
I will periodically post practice exams and problem sets in addition to the assigned problems. For these, you will need
A link to our ambitious schedule for the semester is below. Please make note
of the examination and quiz dates. The final examination is scheduled for
Tuesday, December 19at 6:30 PM.
for Fall Semester,
Chapters 1 & 2 material Introduction ppt Bonding patterns for C, N, & O Acids and Bases ppt Chapter 1,2 problems for some of these you will need to read ahead a bit. answers resonance, acid/base, arrows some practice problems answers Curved Arrow tutorial with problems / Lewis dot tutorial from UCLA |
Chapter 3 - Structure and Stereochemistry of Alkanes Conformational Analysis ppt Nomenclature ppt Nomenclature good naming problems answers Language of Conformational analysis (glossary from Carey) Newman Projections and Chair conformations (some drawing tips from Carey) Conformational analysis using CHIME Outstanding site from Dublin City University detailing open-chain and cyclic systems |
Chapter 4 - Chemical Reactions Slides from end of class - "The Study of Reactions" from U.T. Dallas |
Chapter 5 - Stereochemistry Stereochemistry ppt Stereochemistry problems / answers specific rotation slide (Prozac etc.) Problem set on Stereochem posted 10/28/05 answers |
Chapter 6 - Alkyl Halides Substitution & Elimination SN1, SN2, E1, E2 ppt Nucleophilic Substitution overview with definitions (modified from F. Carey) |
Chapters 7 & 8 - Alkenes Alkenes ppt Addition reactions tutor (adapted from F.Carey's site) Nomenclature problems / answers Allylic Bromination with NBS explanation and some problems Addition reaction mechanisms (how things work) Cyclopropanation and Epoxidation Alkene reactions - summary table Addition reactions chapter 8 problems answers |
Chapter 9 - Alkynes Alkynes ppt Alkyne hydrogenation and hydration mechanisms Ch. 8 & 9 practice problems / answers
Chapter 10 - Structure and Synthesis of Alcohols Alcohols ppt
Chapter 11 - Reactions of Alcohols |
Mol4D an interactive tutorial site from University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (requires CHIME) especially good for 1st semester material
Molecular Viewing Gallery from Dublin City University (requires CHIME)
Practice test 2 (pdf) / answers
The grading breakdown is as follows. The point values of individual credit exercises are likely to vary somewhat from those listed below:
3 Quizzes ~210pts (30%)
2 Exams ~300pts (44%)
Final Exam ~180 pts (26%)