schedule (subject to change—watch this space) |
Topics, readings |
Assignments |
Due |
Jan. 19 | Introduction, syllabus, website, topic areas; introductions | ||
Jan. 21 |
The Internet (see this WIRED article); a fun chart of the top 20 sites; the process approach (lecture), and How to Start a Paper (new Library page); the Writing Situation; our Internet survey; Notes from the whiteboard for this class. |
Research journal | |
Jan. 26 | Freewriting; fun Carr video; and long version; Read: Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"; the hype cycle curve; topic areas; a counterargument? | Essay 1: Rhetorical analysis of Carr | |
Jan. 28 | Rhetoric review of: K&L 1, 2, 3 (Rhetoric in Theory, pp. 3-31); slides; discuss Carr
A citation generator (try it with Carr);
Feb. 2 | Purdue OWL and their sample APA paper; OWL Rhetorical Situations; (the Thesis section; and Using Research and Evidence (OWL->General Writing->Academic Writing->Establishing Arguments); For APA, start with our APA style LibGuide and take a look at the Purdue Owl style guide (but they get some things wrong!); the spurious correlations page; Rhetoric review II; a page from MLA on using the singular "they/their" and (finally) a new book and article on IOT security — it's a thing! | ||
Feb. 4 | H&A (Who Says?) Preface, Ch.1, 2; Here's a link to my paper in JVL; A fake news test from The New York Times; the Citizen's Guide from UCSB
Read K&L 4, 6 |
Carr essay | |
Feb. 9 | Enrichment Day: Race, social justice, diversity (no class) |
Feb. 11 | MSWord lab (follow along at home); use this file and here is a "handout" of tips for using Word; Wage info exercise | ||
Feb. 16 | Topic selection, development; Google: start with this intro video; Google to the max (UCB) and their Google Guide, Fun Google Tips)
; Other Google tools; Google Search Help; synthesis articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; |
Topic ideas | |
Feb. 18 | Research writing; image searches; Read H&A 4; here's another good APA guide (try the How Do I cite? tab)
Essay 1b: Synthesis | |
Feb. 23 | Library session (Zoom) | Topic ideas |
Feb. 25 | Topics; be prepared to discuss your topics in class, and synthesis articles. |
Mar. 2 | Finish notes synthesis articles; topic ideas; Evaluating online resources, CARDS; Current Issues Lib Guide and the College Writing one; Read H&A 6, 5 | ||
Mar. 4 | Research review; research writing, Research page on our library's site; here's their APA Style LibGuide, and the new LibKey resource; discuss topic choices | Group source presentation assignment | Synthesis essay |
Mar. 9 | Group source presentations; proposals and biblio; synthesis citations; prepare for conferences; La Salle Learning Support tools | Proposal, initial bibliography | Group sources written |
Mar. 11 | Conferences I: (meet with me individually on Zoom) | ||
Mar. 16
Conferences I: (meet with me individually on Zoom) | ||
Mar. 18 | Quotes, paraphrases, plagiarism; post-conference notes and my version of the synthesis citations; Read: H&A 3; here are "handouts" from Lehigh, Hacker's handbook, and Indiana. | ||
Mar. 23 | In-class writing, critical reading of this article; for tutoring on your term paper, contact Jake Alspaugh | ||
Mar. 25 | Analyzing research papers, and our paper to analyze (Social Media + Society) which comes from this open source journal; reading charts and graphs | Research paper analysis | Proposal, initial bibliography |
Mar. 30 | Social Media + Society research paper discussion; "fake" academic journals: what do you think of this journal (check archives). Or this? this? or the Center for Promoting Ideas home page and the Director's name; try Google Earth with that address or the one here in Madison, Wisc; note the length and quick turnaround of the Kashmir article here; look at the authors here. And here's a piece from the Chronicle of Higher Education on these "predatory journals." | ||
Apr. 1 | No class—Easter break; Take a look at the Information literacy tutorials here; also for bibliographies, here is the APA video |
Apr. 6 | Research strategies and conundrums; Google on scholarly research; Google's tools; search help, and help on all products; Google's Search Education | Annotated bibliography Part 2 | Research paper analysis |
Apr. 8 | First, here is our synthesis reference list for reminders about APA style. When drafting your final paper, remember to deal with responses, counterarguments, as in Cleveland Indians sample outline; another outline example; Slides on using sources, quoting; Outlining (and handout); Read: H&A 7, 8, 9 | Outline (extra credit) |
Apr. 13 | Introductions, conclusions (OWL->General Writing->Common Writing->Argument papers or here): look again at the sample APA paper; videos on Summon and scholarly papers; LibGuide; Revising, editing, language (writing tips), cliches; conference ideas, times | Final paper/ draft (draft is extra credit, but all should read this); | |
Apr. 15 | Library study hall, discussion—how's it going? | Annotated bibliography 2 | |
Apr. 20 | Conferences II (meet with me individually on Zoom) | Outline (extra credit) | |
Apr. 22 | Enrichment Day: Academic Showcase (no class) | ||
Apr. 27 | Conferences II (meet with me on Zoom) | ||
Apr. 29 | Final APA tips; H&A 10; this is the checklist for the final paper | Prepare oral presentation | Full draft (extra credit) |
May 4 | Oral presentations of final paper Group 1 on Zoom | ||
May 6 | Oral presentations of final paper Group 2 on Zoom | Research journal | |
Final papers due Monday, May 10 |